DC Database

Quote1 We all have family. Some of them we just don't talk about. Quote2
Agent Blake src

Edward Blake was the Comedian, a cruel vigilante and the estranged father of Laurie Blake. He was a member of both the New Minutemen and the Crimebusters, as well as a hero in the Vietnam War.

Edward Blake joined the New Minutemen after the team was founded by Captain Metropolis, taking up the moniker of the Comedian.

On October 2, 1940, during the team's tenure, Blake sexually assaulted his teammate Silk Spectre. At the time, he was twenty and she was sixteen. The assault was stopped by Hooded Justice. Though Jupiter wanted to testify against the Comedian, the Minutemen all suggested against it for political reasons.

Eight years later, Sally and the Comedian would have consensual sex, with Sally being impregnated with their daughter Laurie. Laurie would be raised by her mother, not knowing who her true father was. [1] After his time as part of the Minutemen, the Comedian joined another team known as the Crimebusters. He later went on to fight in the Vietnam War alongside Doctor Manhattan, becoming a war hero and an inspiration to his fellow conservatives everywhere, including one Turley, who would later run for president of the United States.[2][3]

In 1985, the Comedian was killed by his former vigilante teammate Ozymandias for his connection to a conspiracy Veidt had been orchestrating to end the Cold War. At this point, Blake's daughter Laurie would learn of her true parentage and would take his last name.

Blake's murder would be exposed by Rorschach in his journal he sent to the newspaper New Frontiersman. However, the journal would be considered a hoax and just the ramblings of a madman; Veidt would shrug off the rumors as "fake news". [4]

In 2019, a documentary series called American Hero Story: Minutemen aired, dramatizing all the known information about the Minutemen's adventures and drama.

  • Both real-life actors went uncredited in their roles.


