DC Database

Equinox was intended as a link between the Lords of Chaos and Order, but went renegade in his search for balance.

The Lords of Order and Chaos chose an infant to wield both magics, acting as their mediator. His eternal duty was to ensure that the two forces remained equal by tipping the balance back should one force grow too strong. However this was an enormous burden to bare, he grew tired of the impossible task he had been given and set out to keep the balance in his own way.

Mystery in Space!

Equinox captured Gorilla Grodd because his plans, as Equinox put it, "...would disturb the equilibrium." Equinox also captured The Question who, like Equinox, was trying to stop Gorilla Grodd. The Question inquired his reason for doing so and in answering The Question's inquiry, Equinox stated, "To keep everything equal of course. If I eliminate the black pawn a white one must go too. It's an essential part of my quest to bring the world into complete balance." Equinox dangled the two over a fiery pit on a large weighing scale; The Question tied to one of the weighing pans and Gorilla Grodd to the other. Batman appeared and Equinox triggered the scale to lower his captives into the flames. Batman rescued The Question and in effect, correspondingly saved Gorilla Grodd's life as well, but did not cut his bonds. Equinox fled the scene as Batman and The Question gave chase. Batman caught up with Equinox and they quarreled, but Equinox escaped and exclaimed, "Don't worry Batman. When the time is right, you will again meet Equinox!"[1]

When OMAC Attcks!

Indeed he did, though Equinox was seen to Batman alone, invisible to everyone else. He argued with Batman about order and balance, as well as his way of maintaining it. He spent a great deal of time explaining to Batman all the massive effects his actions have on the world and its balance, likening Batman's actions to the Butterfly Effect, stating, "Ever wonder what impact your little bat wings have on this world?" He aided Shrapnel's mayhem, secretly helping using his magical influence, all of which appeared as accidents or coincidences, such as OMAC system errors or loss of connection with Brother Eye. Shrapnel, who was a Cuban General named Kafka, was seeking revenge for the GPA (Global Peace Agency) sending OMAC to stop his militias uprising. OMAC destroyed most of Kafka's militia and village. Equinox rationalized that the only way to balance this destruction was by destroying the city where the GPA was located. After Batman foiled the core meltdown at a nuclear power plant, Equinox saved Batman by healing all the damage he sustained while being inside the nuclear core, explaining his death would unbalance the scales.[2]

The Fate of Equinox!

Batman and Doctor Fate attempted to stop Equinox from tampering with an ancient gyroscope that is supposed to maintain the magical balance of the world. Equinox subtly revealed the true nature of his powers and who he served to Doctor Fate before blasting him. He got into a struggle with Batman and deliberately lost, falling into the gyroscope itself. Only a being who represented both order and chaos could truly kill him. Soon after, the Lords of Order and Chaos revealed Equinox's origins and purpose before Equinox emerged from the clouds, now the size of a giant, and drained the strength of the Lords of both factions. With his new God-like power battled Batman, who had been empowered by Doctor Fate, combining the abilities of all his allies including, Blue Beetle, Guy Gardner, and Aquaman. During the battle, Equinox declared that he was doing this for personal reasons. He intended to erase the universe and start all over and began building an enormous amount of energy to do so. Batman accused Equinox of doing all of it out of hate for the Lords of Order and Chaos. Equinox had an paradoxical epiphany, if he was doing all this for a personal vendetta, then he was not balanced himself, and was unworthy. During his philosophical confusion, Batman punched Equinox into the energy he had built up, and Equinox shattered.[3]

Time Out for Vengeance!

Roy Harper Cry for Justice
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  • Magic: Control of the magics of Chaos and Order. His ability to manipulate the two forces allows him to bend the fabric of reality itself, but not on a massive scale. His powers would later be enhanced upon his death, as now his spirit can use the full extent of the powers of Order and Chaos. His increased powers being strong enough to absorb all the powers of both Lords of Chaos and Order, becoming god-like.




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