DC Database

Mister Nobody was the leader of the Brotherhood of Dada and an enemy of the Doom Patrol, with the ability to warp reality to surreal effect.

Brotherhood of Dada

Mister Nobody led the Brotherhood of Dada during an incident in which they captured the city of Paris inside a painting.[1] Their scheme was foiled by the Doom Patrol, who defeated the Brotherhood and freed Paris.[2]

This event was observed by Superman and members of the Justice League International,[1] and later related to Casey Brinke by her creator Danny the Street before he asked her to find the Doom Patrol.

Kal-El Returns

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Mister Nobody used the baton with which Pierre Monteux conducted Igor Stravinsky's ballet The Rite of Spring to instill the chaos of its debut performance on the streets of Gotham City. He was opposed by Batman, who pacified the rioting civilians with Wesley Dodds' sleeping gas, and Superman, who snapped the baton in half. Nobody trapped the two within confines like panels on a page, which they were able to escape by abandoning their own notions of rationality. With the heroes refusing to bend to his will, Nobody faded away.[3]





Doom Patrol Vol 1 86
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Doom Patrol Villain(s)
This character, team or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of the Doom Patrol at some point in their career. This pertains to all incarnations of the Patrol throughout history. Including but not restricted to their arch-enemies the Brotherhood of Evil. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Doom Patrol villains."
