DC Database

Eric Strauss was chosen by Kent Nelson as his successor. Together with his stepmother Linda, he is Doctor Fate.

Eric Strauss was the son of an abusive New York entrepreneur. After his mother died, his father married a woman many years younger than he named Linda. Eventually, Eric's father passed away and Linda became his legal guardian.

When Eric was ten-years-old, an aging Kent Nelson, the host body for the Lord of Order Nabu found him and convinced him to accompany him back to the Tower of Fate in Salem, Massachusetts. There, Nabu convinced Eric that he was destined to become the new host body for his power, and as such, the next mortal to assume the mantle of Doctor Fate. Nabu used his power to age Eric into adulthood. Donning Nabu's helmet, cloak and amulet, Eric Strauss became the new Doctor Fate. Nabu exercised greater control over Eric than he did with Kent Nelson, but his mystical training was brutal and often surprising. Immediately after donning the helmet, Eric found himself in battle against a powerful Lord of Chaos named Typhon.[1] Eric failed and eventually, he discovered that in order to overcome Typhon and use the full powers of Doctor Fate, he was meant to merge with his stepmother Linda Strauss and together, they became the new Doctor Fate.[2]

Eric and Linda remained under constant training by Nabu, who occupied the body of Kent Nelson.[3] After preventing the destruction of the universe,[4][5] Eric fell very ill and couldn't perform as Doctor Fate in any capacity, leaving Linda to become Fate all by herself.[6] The sickness only got worse[7] and it was later revealed that it was an unexpected consequence of the magic used by Nabu to age Eric into adulthood. The sick Eric was then kidnapped by Darkseid and taken to Apokolips, where he died despite Linda's efforts to save him.[8]

Eric did not pass on, however. His soul was eventually placed in the body of a recently deceased man named Eugene DiBellia. Linda, who had also died, was placed in the body of Eugene's wife Wendy, and the two became the guardians of the DiBellia's daughter, a young girl named Raina who had an important destiny ahead of her.[9]


  • Reincarnation: Eric would learn upon his death that his lifetime as Eric Strauss is among the many incarnation he has lived from birth to death.[10]
  • Mystic Awareness: Even at a young age, Eric Strauss was aware of the existence of the Lords of Order, knowing he was eventually to be chosen.[11]



  • Eric was 10 years old when he was mystically aged up to an adult. Despite this, even Eric admitted he is still mentally 10.[12]
  • Eric's tenure as Dr. Fate, alongside Linda, lasted roughly two years.[13]


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