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Facsimile Edition: Crisis on Infinite Earths #2 is a one-shot with a cover date of July, 2024. It was published on May 21, 2024.
Synopsis for "Time and Time Again!"
This story is reprinted from Crisis on Infinite Earths #2.
The Dawn of Man
Anthro the Cave-Boy leads a herd of mammoths away from the village of the Bear Clan tribe. After falling from atop one of the great beasts, he peers through the underbrush where he sees an image of a great futuristic city. He shakes his head and when he looks again, the image is gone. In addition, the herd of mammoths that he had corralled is likewise missing.
30th Century Earth
Members of the Legion of Super-Heroes discover the displaced mammoths stampeding through Plaza Square in Metropolis. Colossal Boy attempts to scoop them up into his giant arms, but they suddenly disappear.
Earth-One – July, 1985
In Gotham City, the Joker murders film mogul, Harold J. Standish. Batman crashes through the window and attempts to disarm the villain, but the Joker keeps him at bay with an adhesive shooting flower. Suddenly, a distraught image of the Flash appears before them, warning about the end of the world. Batman tries to talk to the Flash, but he disintegrates before his eyes.
On board the Monitor's satellite, the Monitor warns his assemblage that a wave of antimatter energy is sweeping through the Multiverse consuming entire realities. He has established certain devices throughout the various realities designed to halt the antimatter wall. He requires the heroes to travel to each reality and activate each of the devices. Nobody truly trusts the Monitor, but they realize that they have little choice but to heed his warnings.
Superman of Earth-Two, King Solovar and Dawnstar travel to "Earth-AD", a post-apocalyptic future timeline. They find the young adventurer, Kamandi, scaling the side of an immense golden tower. The heroes realize that this is one of the devices that the Monitor spoke of. A horde of Shadow Demons arrives to sabotage the tower, but the heroes manage to drive them away.
Arion, Obsidian and the Psycho-Pirate arrive in ancient Atlantis. Suddenly, Pariah arrives, but quickly falls sway to the Psycho-Pirate's emotion manipulation. Arion turns his power against the Psycho-Pirate and frees Pariah of his influence. Psycho-Pirate suddenly disappears and rematerializes in a darkened room. A deep voice bellows forth to him, commanding him to follow his every order. The Psycho-Pirate, terrified by this mysterious individual, meekly complies.
Meanwhile back on the Monitor's satellite, the Monitor asks Harbinger to retrieve Alex Luthor from his nursery. Harbinger is shocked to discover that Alex, formerly an infant, is now the age of a young toddler. Suddenly, a dark influence takes control of her, commanding her to betray the Monitor.
Appearing in "Time and Time Again!"
Featured Characters:
- Anthro
- Arion
- Batman (Earth-One)
- Blue Beetle
- Cyborg
- Firebrand (Danette Reilly)
- Firestorm {Ronnie Raymond/Martin Stein)
- The Flash (Earth-One)
- Geo-Force
- Green Lantern (John Stewart)
- Guardians of the Universe
- Kamandi
- Lady Chian
- Legion of Super-Heroes
- Obsidian
- Solovar
- Superman (Earth-One)
- Superman (Earth-Two)
Supporting Characters:
- Anti-Monitor (First appearance)
- Doctor Polaris
- Killer Frost
- The Joker (Earth-One)
- Psimon
- Psycho-Pirate (Roger Hayden)
- Shadow Demons
Other Characters:
- Ancient Atlanteans
- Bear Tribe
- Harold J. Standish (Single appearance) (Appears only as a corpse)
- Science Police
- Sid
- Freddy
- Wooly Mammoths
- Power Ring (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Raven (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Alexander Luthor, Sr. (Mentioned only)
- Apes (Earth-AD) (Mentioned only)
- Czar Simian (Mentioned only)
- Choloh (Mentioned only)
- Doctor Canus (Mentioned only)
- Doctor Light (Kimiyo Hoshi) (Mentioned only)
- Cecil B. DeMille (Mentioned only)
- Gorillas (Mentioned only)
- Green Lantern Corps (Mentioned only)
- Infinity, Inc. (Mentioned only)
- Iris Allen (Mentioned only)
- Jack L. Warner (Mentioned only)
- The Joker's mom (Mentioned only)
- Lois Luthor (Mentioned only)
- Louis B. Mayer (Mentioned only)
- Myles Standish (Mentioned only)
- Sam Warner (Mentioned only)
- Multiverse
- Antimatter Universe
- Earth-AD
- Earth-One
- Prehistoric Era
- 1985
- Earth
- Gotham City
- Arkham Asylum (Mentioned only)
- Metropolis
- Central City (Mentioned only)
- Mediterranean Sea (Mentioned only)
- Gotham City
- Oa
- Earth
- Pre-Zero Hour 30th Century
- Metropolis
- Plaza Square
- Metropolis
- Earth-Three (On a TV or computer screen) (Cameo)
- Monitor's Satellite
- Antimatter
- Central Power Battery of Oa
- Cosmic Tuning Fork (First appearance)
- Batarang
- Joker Venom (Behind the scenes)
- Joker's Bang! Flag Gun
- Legion Flight Rings
- Medusa Mask
- Utility Belt
- Magic
- Time Travel
- Great Disaster (Mentioned only)
- This comic is part of DC's line of "Facsimile Editions", nearly-exact reprints of vintage comics including original ads and letter columns.
- This issue reprints Crisis on Infinite Earths #2. For further notes, see the original comic.