DC Database

"White Elephant": Batgirl goes to a Christmas party with her friend Frankie after dealing with a wannabe crook called the Wrapper.

Quote1 Good boys get presents, and bad ones get a visit from Santa's most psychotic little helper. Quote2

Batgirl (Volume 5) #18 is an issue of the series Batgirl (Volume 5) with a cover date of February, 2018. It was published on December 27, 2017.

Synopsis for "White Elephant"

Batgirl goes to a Christmas party with her friend Frankie after dealing with a wannabe crook called the Wrapper.

All of sudden, Harley Quinn crashes the party by spreading a poisonous gas, and challenges Batgirl to figure out "the reason for the season" within twenty-four hours in order to get the antidote. Given the answer is related to a guest called Bradley Burr whom Harley hates, Batgirl decides to look into his house, the local food bank where he voluntereed back in college, and a church.

They find Harley nowhere until Batgirl ponders that as far as Harley is concerned, the reason for Christmas are presents. Realizing the villain never left the local, Batgirl rides back there and forces Harley to hand over the antidote.

Appearing in "White Elephant"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

DC Universe Christmas TP
DC Rebirth Logo

Christmas Specials
This issue is Christmas themed, celebrating holiday merriment, Santa Claus, and ideally some Eggnog.
This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Christmas category.
