DC Database

"" Hellish New World"": In a darkened office, Amanda Waller and Rick Flag, Jr. are discussing a recent solution to the growing problem of supervillains: dump them on a planet somewhere in deep space, and forget about them. Despite some ethical concerns (which the two do not share) the plan i

Quote1 You've each tried to conquer the world before, now we're granting your wish. A world of your own to conquer. Quote2
Rick Flag

Salvation Run #1 is an issue of the series Salvation Run (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2008.

Synopsis for "Brave Hellish New World"

In a darkened office, Amanda Waller and Rick Flag, Jr. are discussing a recent solution to the growing problem of supervillains: dump them on a planet somewhere in deep space, and forget about them. Despite some ethical concerns (which the two do not share) the plan is to go ahead.

Two weeks later, the Keystone City Rogues (Captain Cold, Weather Wizard, Heat Wave, Mirror Master and Abra Kadabra) are wandering the surface of the planet they have christened "Prison World". Despite the constant danger of attack by biomechanical horrors, they are wandering - Abra Kadabra's futuristic intellect has allowed them to converse with local pygmies and learn a rumor of a 'Safe Zone', a miles-wide district where the hostile biomechs have been cleaned out. They know the planet will eventually kill them - a point brought home by the fact that Abra Kadabra breaks his arm in the next attack.

While they are camped that night, the five criminals ponder their situation. They remember Rick Flag's admonition that the governments of Earth had reached the limits of their patience, and were using the Boom Tube to rid themselves of the criminals - who after all, had escaped from every conventional prison on Earth. Since most supervillains express some desire to conquer the world, giving them a prison world of their own was considered a parting ironic stab. We also learn in flashback that Checkmate had told them the world was perfectly safe and had all of the tools they would need to survive and reestablish society, not wishing them any ill will, just wanting to get rid of them on Earth.

An explosion heralds the arrival of a new group of criminals, and the next morning the Rogues go back to find them and explain the danger. Some of the new arrivals (primarily the Joker) do not believe them, but when a burrowing monster attacks Girder, they save him, proving their case. Still, the villains complain of the fact that Checkmate promised them a dull prison world - and we see that they are being spied upon by two mysterious beings, who reveal that Checkmate had not been lying to them, and that when the planet had been investigated for eligibility it had in fact looked extremely safe. We are warned that sentences will be lifelong and harsh - but they will not necessarily be lengthy!

Appearing in "Brave Hellish New World"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:
The following characters all appear in flashback




  • None


  • This issue shipped on November 14th, 2007.
  • Also shipped with a variant retailers incentive cover illustrated by Joe Corroney.
  • Includes DC Nation #87 editorial by Dan DiDio.
  • Most of the villains featured in the second wave comprise the group captured during the fight at the wedding of Green Arrow and Black Canary.[1]

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References

DC Universe
Countdown Crossover
The events from this issue or series are related to the Countdown to Final Crisis. Countdown was a weekly series spanning exactly 52 issues, and tying in with plots across many story arcs all over the DCU. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the Countdown Crossover category.