Flinch (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 2000.
Synopsis for "Mostly White"
Appearing in "Mostly White"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
Synopsis for "The Harvester"
A surgeon quits his job after he removes the heart of man who was still alive despite being told that the patient was brain dead.
Appearing in "The Harvester"
- Appearances not yet listed
Synopsis for "Sitter!"
A man is visited by a friend who had just killed his girlfriend and needs someone to look after the body while he takes care of a few things. The man thinks about calling the police but decides to wait for his friend to return instead. He changes his mind and calls the police shortly before his friend returns. He tells his friend that he called the cops, and his friend shoots himself in the head after telling his friend that his death is on his hands. As the police arrive, the woman who was believed to be dead wakes up and the surviving man is cleared of any charges, but still has to live with the fact that his friend killed himself because of him.
Appearing in "Sitter!"
- Appearances not yet listed
See Also
Links and References
Look at how sad this is making Batman. You did this.