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"Sound And Fury": Tonya Lu sees the transformation of Ronnie and Jason in great fury and runs toward him and when she touches she has a vision of a red sphere with a symbol inside, rage seeing her in front of her talking to her or burn out, and she the question what to do because the killers wer

Quote1 One time I woke up with a test of the emergency broadcast system playing on a loop on television. I thought the world had ended. Turns out I was more premature then mistaken. Quote2
Ronnie Raymond

Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men #2 is an issue of the series Fury of Firestorm: The Nuclear Men (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 2011. It was published on October 26, 2011.

Synopsis for "Sound And Fury"

Tonya Lu sees the transformation of Ronnie and Jason in great fury and runs toward him and when she touches she has a vision of a red sphere with a symbol inside, rage seeing her in front of her talking to her or burn out, and she the question what to do because the killers were still at school and he tells you to seek shelter.

Meanwhile Agent Carmichael asked reinforcements the Director Zither for having two nuclear and Mcdrury Agent appears and informs you that ever rescue Dr. Fortier and led to the truck and have eliminated all the faculty and staff of the college, so the two evade the place for the Fury just see where they were hiding.

Fury cuts off the McDrury arm when Gabriel arrives and rescues the two. Elsewhere, Jason wakes Ronnie and the two discover they are in Quantum Field inside the creature called Fury. Jason mentions Ronnie on the magnetic drum that turned them which is a particle decay Gauge Bosons calls where they are catalysts for Nuclear Protocol.

Fury throws a bus on the way of mercenaries and Ronnie says that the Fury will kill them if they do not do anything Jason says he can not imagine how they can do it. By the time the Fury will kill them Tonya appears and tells him that the police are coming and they have to leave, so he picks her up in his arms and flies. At that time the leader of the Rabid Dogs reports to his employer that there were two casualties, and she says the Hyena is on its way, so Clifford Agent explodes the school to leave no traces. Tonya and Fury see the explosion as they fly. On Field Quantum Jason explains to Ronnie about Professor Martin Stein the man who produced the Nuclear Project, Ronnie rages knowing that the guilt of the death of Trevor and Coach Jason is guilty, knowing that it could happen and start fighting doing the two separate.

Tonya asks what they will do and tells Jason that they can not go home because there will be murderers behind them and Ronnie is reluctant about it. Tonya explains about the vision he had when he played in fury and says it was terrifying. Meanwhile. The Hyena team is moving in the direction of the boys, while the men in Tonya houses, Ronnie and Jason incriminating them in domestic terrorism for their families.

The team Hyena lands and the two become the Firestorm and begin to fight until they hit Jason, where do him hostage and ask Ronnie what he will do.

Appearing in "Sound And Fury"

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