DC Database

The details of the organization's origin have never been disclosed, but it is known to have been active during the Johnson Administration. During this period, it was led by "Mr. Delta," an enigmatic figure, prone to appearing in disguises and simple face-masks. Mr. Delta

G.E.O.R.G.E. was a covert U.S. Government security agency, dating back to at least the Cold War.


The details of the organization's origin have never been disclosed, but it is known to have been active during the Johnson Administration. During this period, it was led by "Mr. Delta," an enigmatic figure, prone to appearing in disguises and simple face-masks. Mr. Delta reported directly to a person code-named "the Long L," who may have been the U.S. President, Lyndon B. Johnson.

In the late 1960s, Mr. Delta undertook to persuade the famous Blackhawk Squadron to retire, using an elaborate scheme of deception and blackmail, with which he was assisted by the Justice League.[1] In the process, several international crime combines were shut down, and the notorious Queen Killer Shark was put out of business. Ultimately both the Justice League membership and the current U.S. President were persuaded that the Blackhawks were still a vital resource in the ongoing battle against terrorism and crime.[2]


  • G.E.O.R.G.E.'s relationships with its contemporary Cold War covert organizations, such as the C.I.A., the N.S.A., G-2, and Task Force X, are unknown.

See Also


  • None.

