DC Database

Garth Ranzz is Lightning Lad, a founding member of the Legion of Super-Heroes.

When Brainiac scattered the Justice League all over the space time Batman travelled to the 30th Century to find Superman. Unfortunately Brainiac found Superman first and brainwashed him. Lightning Lad and his fellow Legionnaires held Superman back as Batman made it to his dilapidated Batcave and found a device able to undo his best friend's brainwashing.

Afterwards, the Legionnaires lent a Time Sphere to Batman so he could return to his time.






Legion of Super-Heroes II 07
DC Rebirth Logo

Legion of Super-Heroes member
This character is or was a member of the Legion of Super-Heroes from the 30th/31st Century, in any one of their various continuities. Including but not limited to, Original Legion, the Reboot Legion, Prime Legion and the Post-Rebirth Legion.
This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Legion of Super-Heroes members" category.
