DC Database

"Death and the Broken Promise part 1": Ivana Baiul flees her ally's base, ordering her scientist to restore one of the cybernetically altered Keepers.  In Florida, Cordelia and her Coda assassins awaken Alex Fairchild and show him that they have taken Roxy and Sarah hostage.  Cordelia demands th

Gen 13 (Volume 2) #39 is an issue of the series Gen 13 (Volume 2) with a cover date of May, 1999.

Synopsis for "Death and the Broken Promise part 1"

Ivana Baiul flees her ally's base, ordering her scientist to restore one of the cybernetically altered Keepers.  In Florida, Cordelia and her Coda assassins awaken Alex Fairchild and show him that they have taken Roxy and Sarah hostage.  Cordelia demands that he return to work for her.  Outside, the Coda confront Burnout, but Grunge is able to catch them off guard. In Uganda, Sigma wakes up in the hospital, insisting to Lynch that they have to warn Caitlin.  When Sarah thinks Bobby is hurt, she lashes out at the Coda with her powers.  Caitlin wakes up and intervenes to stop Alex from killing Cordelia.  Suddenly, he is shot from an aircraft above.  A swarm of Keepers land as the Coda flee.  The craft lands, and Baiul's hulking former ally emerges, revealing himself to be a mutated Russell Tindalos.  Aboard a plane to the U.S., Sigma explains to Lynch how Tindalos took his family hostage to get access to his powers.  Sigma opened an interdimensional portal, unintentionally introducing Tindalos to an advanced alien species called the Chithon.  They shared their technology with Tindalos and helped him siphon Sigma's Gen-Factor, transforming him into a powerful superhuman. In the process, he revealed his obsession with Caitlin to Sigma.  Tindalos eventually betrayed the Chithon and returned to Earth.  Sigma himself escaped just before Lynch found him.  Lynch takes over the plane and alters course for Florida.

Appearing in "Death and the Broken Promise part 1"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Isaiah
  • Celia Tsung (Flashback only)
  • Simon Tsung (Flashback only)
  • Victoria Tsung (Flashback only)
  • Chithon (First appearance) (Flashback only)




See Also

Links and References
