Can we all just stay clear of the car?!
- — Grunge
Gen 13 (Volume 2) #6 is an issue of the series Gen 13 (Volume 2) with a cover date of November, 1995.
Synopsis for "Roman Holiday"
On Caballito Island, rogue intelligencer Ivana Baiul is building a group of Gen-Actives. Her first recruit is going to be Leon Carver, codenamed Frostbite. However, one of her underlings, Bliss, has little time for waiting and takes off with Baiul's military transport. Baiul agrees to let Bliss live in exchange for sexual favors from her top agent, Threshold, Bliss' brother.
At the Leonardo da Vinci International Airport in Rome, Gen 13 is greeted by a local who is acting as their host and guide in exchange for Lynch trading him compromising photographs. The group enjoy themselves, buying new clothes and eating in a fine restaurant. Over the course of the evening, Grunge hits on Caitlin, much to the dismay of Roxy, and the group drinks a lot of wine. As they return to their rooms, Sarah comes onto Bobby and the two express a desire to have sex, despite Bobby believing Sarah was a lesbian.
The two wake up the following morning, and realize that the alcohol put them to sleep before they did anything. Sarah tells him that last night was a mistake and demands that he not tell anyone about it. Angry and confused, Bobby flies away.
In a secret basement in another part of the Vatican, a secret group known as the Order of the Cross detects his energy output. The Order was founded on the day of Christ's death and is tasked to defend the Church and its top holdings. As the only super-beings allowed in the Vatican are Stormwatch - and that only on invitation - the Order summons its superteam, the Hand of God, to deal with what they believe is a supervillain.
From around Rome, five people are summoned to reveal their amazing powers, and four of them converge on Gen 13, who are arguing about what Sarah and Bobby almost did last night. A fight develops, while outside the city, Bobby is forced down by fifth.
During the fight, one of the Hand of God, Armato, destroys a building. This causes the members to insist they regroup, as they were only supposed to capture the interlopers. Meanwhile, the fifth member is defeated before she can administer the final blow - and Bobby comes face-to-face with Bliss!
Appearing in "Roman Holiday"
Featured Characters:
- Order of the Cross
- Cardinal Rosetti (First appearance)
- The Hand of God (First appearance)
- Armato (Carmine Amoroso) (First appearance)
- Domina (Vania Catana) (First appearance)
- Surge (Luca Loletti) (First appearance)
- Velena (Sara Sereni) (First appearance)
- Volare (Paolo Livorati) (First appearance)
- DV8 (First appearance)
- Ivana Baiul
- Bliss
- Frostbite (Leon Carver) (First appearance)
- Threshold
Other Characters:
- Bovini (Single appearance)
- Vincenzo
- Kindred (Mentioned only)
- Caballito Island
- Eden's Gate
- Italy
- Rome
- Le Grand Hotel
- Leonardo da Vinci International Airport
- Via Borgognona
- Rome
- Vatican City
- Originally published by Image Comics.
- This issue includes a pin-up of Gen 13 by Jason Pearson.
- This issue is reprinted in:
- Gen 13: European Vacation trade paperback (1997);
- Wildstorm Archives: Gen 13 trade paperback (1998);
- Gen 13: Starting Over trade paperback (1999).