Generations is a crossover storyline written by Scott Snyder, Scott Lobdell, Dan Jurgens, Robert Venditti, and Andy Schmidt, with various artist collaborators. It is all that remains of Dan DiDio's 5G vision.
- Wonder Woman #750 ("A Brave New World")
- The Flash #750 ("Flash Forward: Epilogue")
- Flash Forward ("Generation Zero")
Main story
- Detective Comics #1027 ("Generations: Fractured")
- Generations Shattered #1
- Generations Forged #1
- The original plan was to be a built up for 5G but was scrapped due to Dan Didio's departure. However some elements would be added to Future State.
Recommended Reading
- Heroes in Crisis (Volume 1)
- Flash Forward (Volume 1)
- Doomsday Clock (Volume 1)
- Dark Nights: Death Metal (Volume 1)
Links and References