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"Much to Do About Nothing": The Teleportation Experiment mentioned in Issue 1 took place in Leningrad; in Place of the Lost Soil of Russia and East Europe there is an empty Void which Gilgamesh enters to unravel the Secrets of Life and Death, in it he finds Professor Ivan Poppenov, the M

Quote1 I can't believe you Pea-Brains refuse to go along with my Proposal to do declare In-a-Gadda-da-Vida the Corporate Anthem. Quote2
Sunflower Bonner

Gilgamesh II #4 is an issue of the series Gilgamesh II (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 1989.

Synopsis for "Much to Do About Nothing"

The Teleportation Experiment mentioned in Issue 1 took place in Leningrad; in Place of the Lost Soil of Russia and East Europe there is an empty Void which Gilgamesh enters to unravel the Secrets of Life and Death, in it he finds Professor Ivan Poppenov, the Man in charge of the Teleportation Experiment; he shows Gilgamesh, that he can create all kinds of stuff with the Specks of Light that fly around in the Void; Gilgamesh thinks, that he can resurrect Otto with those Lights and leaves; Poppenov, who told Gilgamesh, that he is in the Void for about twenty years, decides to find another Place because he is only in the Void ten minutes longer than Gilgamesh and doesn't want to be around, when he finds out the Truth about Time running different inside the Void. Gilgamesh returns to Earth 2000 Years after the Human Race eradicated itself by means of a Nuclear War; Aliens colonized the World and Gil returns to the Void to find Peace there.

Appearing in "Much to Do About Nothing"

Featured Characters:

  • Gilgamesh Bonner (Final appearance)

Supporting Characters:

  • Sunflower Bonner (Dies)
  • General Dynamic


  • Corporate Board of Directors
    • Mark Downs
    • Fred Stop
  • Bambi

Other Characters:

  • Ivan Poppenov (Single appearance)





  • "In-a-Gadda-da-Vida" is a Song and Album of Rockband Iron Butterfly which lasts about 17 Minutes; it's actual Title should have been "In the Garden of Eden" but at one Point the Singer Doug Ingle got intoxicated and started singing "In-a-Gadda-da-Vida" which stuck as the Song's Title
  • Dichotomy, Life, Death and Resurrection are recurring Motives in Starlin's Work
  • Otto Preminger was a Director for Movies and Theater; he died in 1986

See Also

Links and References
