Golden Age (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1993.
Synopsis for "Book 2"
As Tex Thompson (Americommando) forges ahead with his political campaigning, he subjects Daniel Dunbar (Dyna-Mite) to nuclear test experiments that promises to turn him into "the greatest, the mightiest champion and protector this country's ever seen". With the experiments being successful, Daniel is introduced to the public under his new identity Dynaman, promising that he would be a hero that the American public can trust as opposed to the "mystery men" of the 1940s. However, behind the scenes, Daniel is found snorting cocaine and telling Tex Thompson that, once Tex is elected as President of the United States, they will both rule the world.
In the meantime, Ted Knight (Starman) regains enough sanity to continue work on his latest project. Alan Scott (Green Lantern) bravely confronts Sports Master during a jewelry store robbery without using his power ring or secret identity. Johnny Thunder reconnects with his friend Al Pratt (The Atom) who is working behind a desk at the Federal Bureau of Superheroes. Tex Thompson introduces his soon-to-be fiancee Joan Dale (Miss America) to Lance Gallant (Captain Triumph), who is tormented by the spirit of his dead brother Michael to become Captain Triumph again. He is later introduced to Paula Brooks, who has reformed from her days as the masked criminal Tigress. Rex Tyler (Hourman) is experiencing side effects from his efforts to perfect the Miraclo power pill. Paul Kirk (Manhunter) connects with Tex's former partner Bob Daley (Fatman) and they both get themselves in the middle of a gunfight with Nazis pursuing them in cars over a bridge.
Appearing in "Book 2"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
Other Characters:
- It would be established that this story described events that took place on Earth-Thirty-Two.[1]
- Tigress' costume throughout this Elseworlds series is patterned more after one of the modern-day Catwoman's costumes than her original Huntress costume.
See Also