Goldie the Gargoyle was a pet of Abel
One day Cain brought his brother Abel a gift. Abel opened it to discover a gargoyle egg. The egg soon hatched, and a baby gargoyle spilled forth. Abel wanted to name it Irving, but Cain wouldn't hear of it. He said that gargoyle names must always begin with the letter G, such as Gazpacho, Gormagon, Gladstone or Ganymede. He became so irate over this that he killed Abel. Which was not out of sorts for Cain, for he often killed his brother for the mere sport of it. Like Cain, Abel was immortal and always recuperated from whatever fatal blow his brother dealt him. After reconstituting himself, Abel relented, and named the gargoyle Goldie instead of Irving. He kept him as a pet inside the House of Secrets.
Powers and Abilities
- Flight (winged)
- 46 Appearances of Goldie the Gargoyle (New Earth)
- 3 Images featuring Goldie the Gargoyle (New Earth)
- Quotations by or about Goldie the Gargoyle (New Earth)
- Character Gallery: Goldie the Gargoyle (New Earth)