DC Database

Sometime before 2031, Mento used his psychic helmet to absorb Robotman's upgrade system which had gone out of control and upgraded him to the size of a planet. His helmet, unable to contain the upgrade system as well, upgraded to the point of fabricating the entire city of Goliath, using [[Lawrence

Goliath is a city in the year 2031 accidentally created as an inescapable metropolis by Mento.


Sometime before 2031, Mento used his psychic helmet to absorb Robotman's upgrade system which had gone out of control and upgraded him to the size of a planet. His helmet, unable to contain the upgrade system as well, upgraded to the point of fabricating the entire city of Goliath, using Negative Man as the battery.

After Mento was discovered, he realized he had failed in killing Robotman and feared that the cycle was bound to repeat, so he went back in time to kill Robotman for good.


See Also
