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"The Carnival Midnight": Headmaster Hammer sits at his desk preparing when he hears the call of the Carnival Midnight from outside his window. Inside the Academy Olive, Maps and [[Pomeline Fr

Quote1 Everyone has ghosts. We try to forget them, bury them deep, move on with life. But sometimes those ghosts come calling. Sometimes they find their way home. Quote2
Headmaster Hammer

Gotham Academy: Second Semester #4 is an issue of the series Gotham Academy: Second Semester (Volume 1) with a cover date of February, 2017. It was published on December 14, 2016.

Synopsis for "The Carnival Midnight"

Headmaster Hammer sits at his desk preparing when he hears the call of the Carnival Midnight from outside his window. Inside the Academy Olive, Maps and Pomeline are approached by a boy who gives them each a flyer for the carnival. That night they, and the other members of the Pizza Detective club, go check it out. As they are ushered into the festival they are stopped by Headmaster Hammer who seemingly knows the Ringmaster and tells him to pack up and leave and takes the children back inside to their dorms.

The Pizza club are understandably intrigued by this and go to the library to research the carnival's past. Oddly the relevant files are all bare so Olive goes to find out why, as she explores she bumps into Bernard, the boy who gave her the flyers, and she brings him back to the others. In her absence the others discover a picture of two boys from nearly a century prior which bears resemblance to the Headmaster.

They decide to return to the carnival, Maps drags most of the club into the Lair of the Snake Lady but Olive is pulled into the Hall of Mirrors by Bernard where she gets lost but has visions of her and her mother. She notices that things are not quite right as Bernard's reflection is that of an old man and in her fury she smashes the mirror and begins to incinerate the tent.

The other members find themselves fighting a larger-than-life Snake Lady who towers above them all. In the nick of time Olive burns through and scares off the naga. With the carnival in flames around them the ringmaster, Bete, removes a mask to reveal a green, winged body and he chases the teenagers. From the shadows Headmaster Hammer stabs the demon with his silver blade which destroys the beast and he sends the Pizza Club back to their dorms.

As they leave Olive looks over hr shoulder to witness Bernard ageing in Hammerhead's arms, turning from a teenager to an old man suddenly before dying in his old friend's arms.

Appearing in "The Carnival Midnight"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Brother Bete (Single appearance; dies)
  • Snake Lady

Other Characters:





  • This is the first time we learn of Hammerhead's real name and of his past.

See Also

Links and References
