Launched in the wake of Batman: Reborn, Gotham City Sirens follows the titular team of Catwoman, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn as they are forced to band together to protect themselves in Gotham City.
- Gotham City Sirens #1
- Gotham City Sirens #2
- Gotham City Sirens #3
- Gotham City Sirens #4
- Gotham City Sirens #5
- Gotham City Sirens #6
- Gotham City Sirens #7
- Gotham City Sirens #8
- Gotham City Sirens #9
- Gotham City Sirens #10
- Gotham City Sirens #11
- Gotham City Sirens #12
- Gotham City Sirens #13
- Gotham City Sirens #14
- Gotham City Sirens #15
- Gotham City Sirens #16
- Gotham City Sirens #17
- Gotham City Sirens #18
- Gotham City Sirens #19
- Gotham City Sirens #20
- Gotham City Sirens #21
- Gotham City Sirens #22
- Gotham City Sirens #23
- Gotham City Sirens #24
- Gotham City Sirens #25
- Gotham City Sirens #26
- Gotham City Sirens: Union (2010)
ISBN: 978-1401225711 - Gotham City Sirens: Songs of the Sirens (2010)
ISBN: 978-1401229085 - Gotham City Sirens: Strange Fruit (2011)
ISBN: 978-1401231385 - Gotham City Sirens: Division (2012)
ISBN: 978-1401233938 - Gotham City Sirens: Book One (2014)
ISBN: 978-1401251758 - Gotham City Sirens: Book Two (2015)
ISBN: 978-1401254124 - Harley Quinn & The Gotham City Sirens Omnibus (2018)
ISBN: 978-1401278397
See Also
- Cover Gallery: Gotham City Sirens Vol 1
- Collections from Gotham City Sirens Vol 1
- Images from Gotham City Sirens Vol 1
- Textless Cover Art from Gotham City Sirens Vol 1
- Variant Covers from Gotham City Sirens Vol 1