DC Database

A rare miniature painting is being held at the Gotham Museum and as usual in Gotham, it called the attention of the most notoriuous criminals.

Quote1 No matter how you do it, crime doesn't pay, girls. Quote2

More Than One Way is an episode of season 1 of Gotham Girls. It premiered on October 5, 2000.

Synopsis for "More Than One Way"

A rare miniature painting is being held at the Gotham Museum and as usual in Gotham, it called the attention of the most notoriuous criminals.

That night, Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn and Catwoman arrived at the musem with the intention of stealing the painting but they realized that only one of them can have it. They played rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets to steal the painting.

When one of them managed to steal the painting and takes it outside, the three of them start fighting for the painting and a few moments later, the three of them were caught by Batgirl, who retrieved the painting and told them that crime doesn't pay.

Appearing in "More Than One Way"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:

  • Guards (Single appearance)





  • This is the sixth episode produced and the seventh to be aired.
  • There is an interactive segment as in all of the episodes, but in this case, it was at the end of the episode.
  • This episode featured a rock-paper-scissors game, like the one in the interactive section.


  • In the interactive segment, when Harley, Ivy and Catwoman play rock-paper-scissors, the viewer can chose who wins, and thus who should try to steal the Belgian Miniature.

Ivy's attempt: Ivy incapacitates the guards with a pile of sneezing powder, and walks past them to steal the painting—where she meets Batgirl, who sprays some kind of weedkiller in her face, knocking her out.

Harley's attempt: Harley approaches the museum guards, enigmatically repeating the words "Boingee, boingee", before she knocks them both out with spring-loaded boxing gloves. As she steals the picture, Batgirl confronts her—and with the same line, promptly punches her out.

Catwoman's attempt: Catwoman avoids the guards altogether, cuts a hole in a window, opens it, and leaps inside, where as she steals the miniature, Batgirl claps a pair of handcuffs on her.

The final attempt skips Batgirl thwarting the theft, allowing the villain to escape with the painting and thus starts the end scene, when the trio is caught by Batgirl.

See Also

Recommended Media

  • None.

Links and References

