A Harley Scout does whatever she wants, whenever she wants, to whoever she wants. So get out of my face, chump.
- —Harley Quinn reciting the Harley Scout Oath
Scout's Dis-Honor is an episode of season 2 of Gotham Girls. It premiered on September 25, 2001.
Synopsis for "Scout's Dis-Honor"
Harley Quinn laments drifting through life, not contributing anything when suddenly a knock comes at the door. Ivy and Harley are frightened about it but when they answer it, they find a Mandy Scout selling cookies. Harley grabs the box and begins eating the cookies. After a brief discussion, Poison Ivy learns that Harley used to be a Scout herself, although she claims that the cookies were the only good part. Ivy decides that someone should teach those girls some "valuable" life skills, and Harley agrees.
It's not long before Harley has formed a group of "Harley Scouts", all of whom dress like her and follow her twisted moral outlook. Batgirl interrupts the meeting, and when Harley points out that she daren't hit a little girl, Batgirl reveals that she brought some "help": the Mandy Scouts. As the girls battle around them, using their badge-begotten skills, Harley Quinn fights with Batgirl and successfully subdues her. That being accomplished, she begins to sneak off with the money and cookies when she is caught in the act by both the Harley and Mandy Scouts, who descend upon her...
With Harley Quinn tied to a chair, Batgirl provides Law-And-Order merit badges for everyone in the shape of black-and-yellow Bat-crests.
Appearing in "Scout's Dis-Honor"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- There is an interactive segment in this episode.
This episode featured a Hit the Target game. The viewer have to move Harley's glove gun and hit one of the bullseye that Two-Face, Penguin and Joker are holding.
- In the interactive segment while Harley presents her Harley Scouts with the cookies they're going to sell, the viewer can click and see what's inside the "Harley Scout" cookie boxes, complete with a description of their contents: Chocolate Nightmares, Hyena Howlers, and Puddin' Cookies.
See Also
- 0 Images from Gotham Girls (Webseries) Episode: Scout's Dis-Honor
- Episodes of Gotham Girls (Webseries)
- Images from Gotham Girls (Webseries)
- Gallery for the Gotham Girls (Webseries) series
Recommended Media
- None.
Links and References