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"No Evil Shall Escape My Sight": This story is reprinted from Green Lantern (Volume 2) #76.

Quote1 I been readin' about you... how you work for the blue skins... and how on a planet someplace you helped out the orange skins... and you done considerable for the purple skins! Only there's skins you never bothered with -- ! The black skins! I want to know... how come?! Answer me that, Mr. Green Lantern! Quote2
Old man

Green Lantern/Green Arrow #1 is an issue of the series Green Lantern/Green Arrow (Volume 1) with a cover date of October, 1983.

Synopsis for "No Evil Shall Escape My Sight"

This story is reprinted from Green Lantern (Volume 2) #76.

Green Lantern Civil Rights 01

A poor black man challenges Green Lantern's views on civil rights.

Green Lantern prevents a group of street toughs from harassing an elderly man. Using his ring, he scoops the assailant up and transports him to jail. Onlookers to the incident however, including Green Arrow, show their disapproval of Green Lantern's actions. The man whom Green Lantern saved is an unscrupulous slum lord named Jubal Slade. Green Arrow gives Hal a tour of one of Slade's buildings, showing him all of the people that Slade plans on putting out into the streets after he sells the building.

Shortly after, a poor, elderly black man points out how Green Lantern works for the "blue skins", i.e. the Guardians of the Universe; has helped out races with "orange skins" and "purple skins", and yet he has never bothered with the "black skins" on his own planet.

After learning the truth, Hal tries to intimidate Jubal Slade, but Slade has the law on his side, and Green Lantern's threats fall on deaf ears. Enraged, Hal prepares to punch Slade, but an image of one of the Guardians appears before him, admonishing him for his conduct.

The Guardians of the Universe summon Hal back to Oa. They send him on a mission to the orbit of Saturn where he is to divert a meteor shower from striking Saturn's moon, Titan.

Back on Earth, Green Arrow tries to trick Jubal Slade into accepting a bribe. He arranges to have Slade's goons meet up with him later for a payoff. The thugs however, try to kill Green Arrow, but fail.

Having realised that the Guardians have dispatched him on a useless mission (there is no life on Titan to be endangered by the meteor shower) and they have simply sent him somewhere to cool off and think about his actions, Hal disobeys orders and returns to Earth where Green Arrow tells him about his failure to trick Slade. They find district attorney Jeremy Tine and bring him to Slade's penthouse. Disguising himself as one of Slade's goons, Hal tricks Slade into confessing to the attempted murder of Green Arrow. After Hal reveals himself, Slade tries to escape, distracting the heroes with a hand grenade. Hal dispatches the grenade and Slade is arrested.

Afterward, the Guardians admonish Hal Jordan again for abandoning his post around Titan. It is Green Arrow who rises to Hal's defense, challenging the Guardians to come down from their perch and experience what it is to live as a normal human being. The Guardians ponder the offer and send one of their own to Earth to travel with Green Lantern and Green Arrow.

Appearing in "No Evil Shall Escape My Sight"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Jubal Slade (Single appearance)

Other Characters:

  • Martin Luther King, Jr. (Flashback only)
  • Robert Kennedy (Flashback only)
  • Jeremy Tine (Single appearance)
  • Mike (Single appearance)



Synopsis for "Journey to Desolation!"

This story is reprinted from Green Lantern (Volume 2) #77.

Green Lantern, Green Arrow and their Guardian companion travel to the town of Desolation. They encounter a group of disgruntled miners who, mistaking them for enemies, begin taking pot shots at them with their rifles. Green Arrow and Green Lantern diffuse the situation and learn that the miners are being led by a man named Jacob. Jacob tells them about Slapper Soames—a land baron who has forced his way into a position of power in the small mining community and uses a personal band of armed troops — namely members of the Nazi Party, sprung from a war crimes prison by Soames — to enforce his laws. Jacob tells the heroes of one of their own, a man named Johnny Walden, who inspired them to take up arms against Soames's stormtroopers. Green Arrow and Green Lantern agree to help them for fear that the angry mob will only cause harm to themselves. They break into Soames' elaborate prison system, but Green Lantern grows concerned when his ring begins behaving strangely. The Guardian sends a telepathic signal to his comrades back on Oa and learns that his fellow Guardians have restricted Hal's power levels. The heroes manage to force their way inside Soames's prison and save Johnny, but mob leader Jacob betrays them, revealing himself as one of Slapper's accomplices. They disarm Jacob and Johnny punches him in the jaw, knocking him to the floor. Disgusted by what they have seen, Green Lantern, Green Arrow and the Guardian take their leave of Desolation.

Appearing in "Journey to Desolation!"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Johnny Walden (Single appearance)




  • The first story in this issue leads into the "Hard Traveling Heroes" story-arc which dominates the series for several years.

See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
