Green Lantern: The Animated Series. It premiered on April 14, 2012.
Synopsis for "Reckoning"
The Green Lanterns are observing the Red Lantern mothership for any intel they can gather, but Razer mocks them for not being more aggressive in their methods. He notices the glow on his ring starting to go out, and sneaks out of the ship. Aya attempts to reason with him to return, but Razer detonates a bomb that cripples the Interceptor and flies away. When Aya runs a diagnostic of the ship, she quickly restores things to normal, and surmises that Razer did not actually mean to hurt them.
Razer lands on Shard outside the central battery and tries to recharge his ring. His former allies report his arrival to Atrocitus, who deactivates the battery. When Razer tries to assassinate Atrocitus, his powers expire and he's easily captured. Atrocitus and Zilius Zox torture Razer.
Meanwhile, Hal convinces Kilowog to rescue Razer; he could've easily killed them instead of just inconveniencing them. They hide on the back of an asteroid approaching Shard. When the sentry guns shoot it down, the Green Lanterns fly into the ship through its garbage dump. Aya disassembles herself to travel through ductwork to interface with the ship's security.
Hal and Kilowog defeat of pair of guards, hide them in what turns out to a chapel. Hal disguises himself in one of the guards' armor to distract the priest inside. The priest tells him of the Red Lanterns' origins: how they banded together to get revenge on the Guardians of the Universe, who unleashed the Manhunter androids on the worlds of frontier space for not declaring obedience to them. Atrocitus discovered the red energy and formed an army of rage to exact vengeance.
A pair of guards enter and discover Kilowog, and Hal pretends to capture him. He brings Kilowog before Atrocitus, who's in the middle of performing Razer's execution. Aya then overloads the ship's systems, filling the room with a cloud of fumes. While Green and Red Lanterns battle, Razer recharges his ring from Atrocitus's personal battery. Razer then flees with the Green Lanterns, affected by their display of loyalty toward him.
While making their escape, Kilowog is injured and Aya is captured by Atrocitus. Razer sends Hal to get Kilowog to safety and prep the ship for their getaway while he goes to rescue Aya, calling her by name for the first time. Atrocitus and Razer duel, Atrocitus telling him in the process that he was the one who stirred up the warlords on Razer's planet and killed his wife. Filled with rage at learning this, Razer blasts Atrocitus away. Aya talks Razer out of killing him, and instead they escape as the Interceptor flies past.
On the ship, Hal rebukes Razer for revealing that they survived to the Red Lanterns. Aya interrupts them to reveal information she stole from Shard's computers: an entire Red Lantern battle fleet is gathering to attack Oa.
Appearing in "Reckoning"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Red Lantern Corps
- Atrocitus
- Zilius Zox
- Bleez (First appearance)
- Veon (First appearance)
- Skallox (First appearance)
- Loran (First appearance)
- The Manhunters (Mentioned only)
- Five Inversions (Mentioned only)
Other Characters:
- Alana (Mentioned only)
- Red Lantern Ring
- Red Lantern Central Power Battery (First appearance)
- Red Lantern Power Battery (First appearance)
- Green Power Ring
- Book of Rage (Single appearance)
- This series' version of the Red Lantern oath is revealed in this episode: "With blood and rage of crimson red, we fill men's souls with darkest dread, and twist your minds to pain and hate. We'll burn you all, that is your fate."
- No trivia.
See Also
- 3 Images from Green Lantern: The Animated Series (TV Series) Episode: Reckoning
- Episodes of Green Lantern: The Animated Series (TV Series)
- Images from Green Lantern: The Animated Series (TV Series)
- Gallery for the Green Lantern: The Animated Series (TV Series) series
Recommended Media
- None.
Links and References
- None.