DC Database

"How Can An Immortal Die?": Katma Tui comes wounded to Earth, and Green Arrow finds her semi-conscious. Suddenly, a winged figure, which turns out to be an alien Green Lantern, attempts to snatch her. Hal Jordan ar

Quote1 You condemn me? Without a trial? After I've spent my adult life obeying you? And I suppose you expect me to stand here and take whatever poison you're serving? No... no... Absolutely not! Quote2
Hal Jordan

Green Lantern (Volume 2) #96 is an issue of the series Green Lantern (Volume 2) with a cover date of September, 1977.

Synopsis for "How Can An Immortal Die?"

Katma Tui comes wounded to Earth, and Green Arrow finds her semi-conscious. Suddenly, a winged figure, which turns out to be an alien Green Lantern, attempts to snatch her. Hal Jordan arrives late at the scene, and the stranger Green Lantern disappears. Before passing out, Katma mutters about a terrible danger for Oa, so Hal flies off to the Guardians' headquarters.

When he reaches Oa, Hal finds a massive spaceship. The same Green Lantern that attacked Oliver now attacks Hal, but he counterattacks using his own momentum against him. When he enters Oa with the supposed rogue Green Lantern, Hal encounters more of his comrades attacking him in some trance. Hal takes refuge in the Guardians' headquarters, and he asks for counsel. But the Guardians are also hostile with him, and after taking off his ring, they command the Green Lanterns to execute him. While fighting against the Guardians, Hal grabs one of them and throws him against the firing Lanterns, and the Guardian dies by the blast. All Green Lanterns and remaining Guardians recover their consciousness and, as they wonder what became over them, a burst of sinister laughter breaks the stillness of the moment.

Appearing in "How Can An Immortal Die?"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:





  • The Mocker's spacecraft (First appearance)


See Also

Recommended Reading

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