DC Database

"Loose Threads": The Justice League is struggling to contain a sea monster in the beaches of Hub City without the help of Aquaman, who has disappeared in his quest to find Atlantis. Help arrives in the form of Hal, who is happy to see Carol again. The feeling is mutual and the Lanterns cart the

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Green Lantern (Volume 7) #19 is an issue of the series Green Lantern (Volume 7) with a cover date of March, 2025. It was published on January 29, 2025.

Synopsis for "Loose Threads"

The Justice League is struggling to contain a sea monster in the beaches of Hub City without the help of Aquaman, who has disappeared in his quest to find Atlantis. Help arrives in the form of Hal, who is happy to see Carol again. The feeling is mutual and the Lanterns cart the beast off into the Mariana Trench. Later, at the Watchtower, Hal informs Carol about what happened in Oa, about Nate. Hal is aware of the danger the Sorrow Lantern could pose to the universe if he built his own power battery and wants Carol's help in stopping him, but Carol believes she is more useful on Earth, where the League can train her in the use of her powers. Hal understands but still thinks he and Carol should spend some private time together, and she agrees.

Meanwhile in Oa, an unseen individual infiltrates the Green Lantern Corps armory at Oa and stashes herself with weapons, except for the most important one: a Legion flight ring. Kyle enters the armory and reveals the culprit to be Odyssey the Time Bandit. She tries to escape, only for Kyle to restrain her and give her a choice: she can either return to her cell and wait to be picked up by that other time traveller or she can come with him and get a second chance.

Kyle and Odyssey travel to Australia, where they find Conner Kent, the Superboy, taking a shower in a crater. Superboy finds himself instantly smitten with Odyssey and this makes it all the easier for Kyle to recruit him for his new mission.

Kyle, Superboy and Odyssey go to the Watchtower, where Hal and Carol are waiting for them. Hal has prepared his old ship, the Interceptor, for their journey. She no longer has an artificial intelligence, so Hal will have to navigate through willpower alone.

At the Castle of the Desolate Stone, Starbreaker has finished translating the passages of the Book of Oa and begins the next phase of his plan. He opens a portal to his realm and lets his brethren into the universe. Together, they are the Starbreaker Corps and they shall steal on that which gives the universe life.

The Interceptor receives a transmission from John, who informs the crew that the Guardians have located a manifestation of rage on a nearby planet. Hal goes to investigate and tells Kyle and the others to take the Interceptor to the Source Wall. Once he makes planetfall, he finds an entire village has been slaughtered and a man consumed by the red light of rage is responsible.

Appearing in "Loose Threads"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:






See Also

Links and References
