DC Database

Gregory Wolfe is the Mayor of Central City and former warden of Iron Heights.

Unlike The Flash who sometimes sympathizes with his Rogues gallery, Wolfe is very cold-hearted to anyone who breaks the law and ends up in his custody.

Wolfe had a nervous breakdown and as a result his treatment of his charges became even harsher. He was accused and found guilty of abusing prisoners, and incarcerated at Belle Reve. His deep seated need for control drew the attention of the Lords of Order, who sensed that great chaos was coming to Earth 0 and Central City specifically. The Lords chose Wolfe as their Avatar, healing his broken mind and granting him great power. They also manipulated the minds of others to ensure that his conviction was overturned on appeal and he was even able to successfully sue the city to get his job back.[1][2]

Wolfe ran for Mayor of Central City on a law-and-order platform, employing many "reformed" inmates on his campaign staff.[3] He financed his campaign with kickbacks from the Mafia, in exchange for political favours and commutations in the future. However, he had no intention of keeping his promises to criminals and instead planned to turn Central City into a fascist police state.

Wolfe won the election, and his first act was to commute the sentences of the Rogues and deputise them into the Central City Police Department. He ordered them to arrest The Flash, whom he deemed a vigilante.[1] Under the Lords of Order's influence he also instituted authoritarian policies such as a curfew and checkpoints throughout the city. The Flash confronted him and Wolfe and his team of sanctioned Rogues attacked him. Wolfe's rants about order during the fight led Flash to realise that he was possessed by a Lord of Order and he demanded to speak to the Lord directly. The Flash told the Lord that they could not create order by force and the authoritarianism they were pursuing would only result in more chaos when people inevitably pushed back. He convinced them to allow people the freedom to make the right choices and the Lord reluctantly agreed.

Wolfe was freed of the Lord's control, but retained his new sanity. He also agreed to try things the Flash's way but warned that if they failed he would have no choice but to clamp down again to prevent the Lords of Order returning. He also decided to allow the Rogues to continue acting as sanctioned law enforcement officers, as they would likely be needed in whatever crisis the Lords of Order foresaw.[2]



Other Characteristics



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Flash Villain(s)
This character, team, or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of any or all of the various incarnations of the Flash. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Flash Villains."
