Guy Gardner: Warrior Annual (Volume 1) with a cover date of July, 1996.
Synopsis for "Once Upon a Time..."
A long time after Earth's demise, the legends of its heroes live on throughout the universe. So is the notable case for Guy Gardner, who has a Warrior-themed museum to commemorate him. Attendees can experience Guy Gardner's memories through the Cybertronic Inducer, reliving his history, although a very exaggerated version of it.
Appearing in "Once Upon a Time..."
Featured Characters:
- Guy Gardner: Warrior (Hologram)
- Zee-Blaa
Supporting Characters:
- Dementor (Hologram)
- Militia (Hologram)
- Sinestro (Hologram)
- Major Force (Hologram)
Other Characters:
- Green Lantern Corps (Mentioned only)
- Justice League International (Hologram)
- Earth (Hologram)
- Warrior's Museum Asteroid
- Cybertronic Inducer
- Green Lantern Ring (Hologram)
- Yellow Lantern Ring (Hologram)
Synopsis for "Hypersensistive: A Changer for all reasons"
Garland Marsh, a woman working for the Postal Guild, helps some people escape from a swamp full of shape-shifting monsters, and they un turn receive the last-minute help from Stonewall Fencer, a shape-shifter hunter who presumes to be a descendant of the great Guy Gardner.
Appearing in "Hypersensistive: A Changer for all reasons"
Featured Characters:
- Garland Marsh
Supporting Characters:
- Stonewall Fencer
- Changer
Other Characters:
- Liliam Krenkel
- Guy Gardner (Mentioned only)
- Earth
- Gotham (Mentioned only)
- Gardnergrad
Synopsis for "See My Finger. See My Thumb. See My Fist? You Better Run!"
Centuries in the future, on the planet Arkayo, a group of kids plays with Cyber-Reality Inducer when a squad of robots comes storming into their house. When one of the boys touches the device, it transfers Guy Gardner's mind from the past into the body of the future kid. Trapped in that childish form, Guy still can use his Vuldarian powers to attack the robots and retrieve the Inducer. Guy explains the situation to the kids and activates the device again to restore his and Gunner's minds. Right before returning to his time, Guy discovers that the kid's name is Gunner Gardner. The robots retreat after being defeated by the youngsters, before they call the atention of the adults.
Guy returns to the present and notices that the kids looked like younger versions of Buck, Arisia, and Tiger Man.
Appearing in "See My Finger. See My Thumb. See My Fist? You Better Run!"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Unnamed Alien Race
Other Characters:
- Gunner Gardner
- Risa
- Bucky
- Earth
- Arkayo
- Cyber-Reality Inducer
Synopsis for "Dateless in a One Gender Town"
The Gardner Sisters, a trio of biker women of the planet Prozack, seek Lizzie Jordan's whereabouts, a woman known for murder and robberies, most notably a heirloom she stole from the Gardners.
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Appearing in "Dateless in a One Gender Town"
Featured Characters:
- Gardner's Gals
- Manzo
- Crocker
- Buxton
Other Characters:
- Guy Gardner (Cameo)
- Zee-Blaa (Cameo)
- Lizzie Jordan (Mentioned only)
- Prozac
- Steinheim
- Busted Lantern Saloon
- Steinheim
- Warrior's Museum Asteroid
- Motorcycles
See Also
- Cover gallery for the Guy Gardner: Warrior Annual series
- Images from Guy Gardner: Warrior Annual Vol 1 2