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"Minor Disasters!, Part Two": Harley Quinn has been humiliated online, while Minor Disaster seeks the approval of her father, Major Disaster.

Quote1 Let's be real, yer dyin' for the approval of yer dad, and he ain't even qualified to give it! He should always want ya to be the best version of yerself, even if ya fight about it! Don't become a monster for someone who doesn't even want the best for ya! Quote2
Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn (Volume 3) #54 is an issue of the series Harley Quinn (Volume 3) with a cover date of January, 2019. It was published on November 21, 2018.

Synopsis for "Minor Disasters!, Part Two"

Harley Quinn has been humiliated online, while Minor Disaster seeks the approval of her father, Major Disaster.

Seeking Penny out for revenge, Harley finds her being belittled by her father for her poor showing, as Harley is now more popular than ever. Major Disaster calls his daughter a nobody, a failure; who doesn't deserve the "Disaster" name. Rather than post this scene, Harley feels sorry for Penny. Penny though, out of frustration, shatters her Disaster Dial and sends Coney Island heading into an energetic whirlpool.

Tina of Apokolips anchors Coney Island, and with the combined might of all the residents, they stop it from leaving Brooklyn. Harley has convinced Penny that her father's attention is without value, and Minor Disaster puts her all into her Disaster Dial, and creates a volcano, plugging the whirlpool.

Tina is a hero; Penny no longer cares about her father's approval, and Harley — she has family coming over for Christmas.

Appearing in "Minor Disasters!, Part Two"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:



  • Cellphones
  • Disaster Dial

See Also

Links and References
