Love makes ya crazy, Mistah V, but sometimes ya get so mixed up an' crazy in love, y'can't tell that yer sweetie is nasty an' yer relationship is toxic.
Harley Quinn and Power Girl #4 is an issue of the series Harley Quinn and Power Girl (Volume 1) with a cover date of November, 2015. It was published on September 23, 2015.
Synopsis for "Purity"
As Power Girl is blown away by the possessed and evil Dark Vartox she recovers and notices a town on the verge of being enveloped by a volcano. She swiftly digs a trench to divert the lava but Vartox uses this opportunity to again knock her down, he does not expect Harley Quinn to enter the fray and to catch the Kryptonian on the back of her Caticorn - a green lion with the horns of a ram. Vartox grabs Quinn by the neck but finds himself compelled to let her down as Quinn talks to him and the Caticorn purrs entrancingly, thereby breaking the trance placed upon Vartox by Oreth Odeox. As he returns to normalcy Power Girl knocks him out and asks Quinn where she found the Caticorn.
Quinn flashes back to before they met Vartox as Power Girl flew off and Quinn was left by the side of a pool from which a huge serpent emerged. The Caticorn swept in and thanked Quinn for being such good bait and agreed to join her. As Quinn tells this story Vartox seizes Power Girl's hand and kisses her passionately earning him a swift punch. He explains to PG how she has amnesia of their first encounters [1] when she repopulated his planet. As he explains this the Ex-Girlfriend Force arrive to ensure Vartox's safety and then teleport away. Vartox uses their disappearance to formally introduce himself to Quinn who adores his flirty style.
As they go to fly away Oreth Odeox and his army of weaponised nuns swarm around the trio. An initial blast knocks them all apart and as Quinn taunts Odeox he prepares a blast that would be lethal, Vartox dives in front and emerges unscathed but naked. His nudity stuns Oreth and enrages him allowing Power Girl to blast him down and to knock him into the ground. Though the trio are happy to see him knocked out there is the looming threat of the Harvester of Sorrow that Oreth alluded to.
Appearing in "Purity"
Featured Characters:
- Harley Quinn (Flashback and main story)
- Power Girl (Flashback and main story)
Supporting Characters:
- Dark Vartox (Returned to good)
- Caticorn (First appearance) (Flashback and main story)
- Groovicus Mellow (Flashback and main story)
- Oreth Odeox
- Shotgun Sisters of the NRA (First appearance)
- Harvester of Sorrow (Mentioned only)
- Fish Monster (Dies)
Other Characters:
- Ex-Girlfriend Force
- Cherub
- Envoi
- Warfair
- Sala Mandarr (Flashback and main story)
- Firefox
- Carnal
- La Galaxia del Sombrero
- Lust Moon
- Valerion (Mentioned only)
- Pregnoray (Mentioned only)
- Teleporter beam
See Also
- Cover gallery for the Harley Quinn and Power Girl series
- Images from Harley Quinn and Power Girl Vol 1 4