Hawk and Dove (Volume 5) #3 is an issue of the series Hawk and Dove (Volume 5) with a cover date of January, 2012. It was published on November 2, 2011.
Synopsis for "When a White House Runs Red..."
Hawk and Dove fight Condor and Swan, who have attacked President Obama in the White House. Suddenly, Condor kills a Secret Service agent with his teeth. As he tries to kill another, Hawk pins him to the ground. However, Condor reveals that he knows Hawk's secret identity and tears down the floor, causing them to fall to the lower level.
Swan takes Judge Hall hostage and taunts Dove, saying that she and Hawk are unaware of the true nature of their powers. She then unleashes two fireballs from her mouth and hurls them towards Dove, who dodges them. Swan escapes uses a song to get Dove into a trap.
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Appearing in "When a White House Runs Red..."
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Deadman (As a spirit) (Only in President Obama's body)
- Irwin Hall
Other Characters:
- President Obama (Possessed)
- United States Secret Service (First appearance)
- Ghosts (Mentioned only)
- Mystical Dagger