DC Database

"Dead End": Hawkman tracks down the man who hired Deadline, but is confronted by Hal Jordan. He reveals himself to Jordan as Katar Hol, and the two are attacked by Marauder I (New Earth), sent by Metatech. Marauder

Hawkman (Volume 3) #2 is an issue of the series Hawkman (Volume 3) with a cover date of October, 1993.

Synopsis for "Dead End"

Hawkman tracks down the man who hired Deadline, but is confronted by Hal Jordan. He reveals himself to Jordan as Katar Hol, and the two are attacked by Marauder I (New Earth), sent by Metatech. Marauder is revealed to have the likeness of Shayera Thal before her suit self-destructs. Hawkman doesn't believe it was actually her, but it does prove to him that Shayera is still alive.

Appearing in "Dead End"

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Supporting Characters:


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See Also

Links and References
