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"Cauldron of Doom": Marooned on some floating debris, Adam and Teela are hot, hungry, and thirsty. While Zoar searches for land, the pair of them argue over the fact that Adam apparently forgot he was a prince. Despite Teela

Quote1 You've agreed to nothing. You were cauldron fodder from the moment you set foot on this island. Quote2

He-Man and the Masters of the Universe #4 is an issue of the series He-Man and the Masters of the Universe (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 2013.

Synopsis for "Cauldron of Doom"

Marooned on some floating debris, Adam and Teela are hot, hungry, and thirsty. While Zoar searches for land, the pair of them argue over the fact that Adam apparently forgot he was a prince. Despite Teela's teasing, she has also suffered memory loss, and has felt that she was guided by dreams of heroism, power, and a man with a skull for a face - just like Adam was. When Zoar returns with a coconut (which he drops on Teela's head), they realize that there is an island nearby, and fashion some oars to get to it.

Consistent with their luck til now, the pair of them are knocked out within moments of setting foot on the beach. Man-At-Arms and a group of warriors have been ordered to capture them alive, and take them back to the island's queen. Though he does not know who she is, Man-At-Arms finds Teela very familiar, and is quick to defend her from the others' salacious comments.

After meeting this queen - albeit bound in chains - Teela is convinced that Evil-Lyn is absolutely insane. Her self-obsession is ridiculous. In any case, she and Adam are confused by their repressed memories' resurfacing. Adam knows the queen's name is Evil-Lyn, and for some reason, Teela swears that the man who captured them is her father. Having looked them over, Evil-Lyn decides that the pair of them will be sacrificed to the Cauldron of Doom in the morning. Afterwards she confers with Skeletor, and promises that despite the elaborate nature of her plan, He-Man will die.

Back at Castle Grayskull, Skeletor grows annoyed that all of those whom he enlisted to kill He-Man are complicating matters by creating elaborate death traps, rather than simply slitting his throat. Apparently, each one has their own vendetta to satisfy. Still, he is afraid to leave Grayskull and do the job himself, because he may not be able to get back in. Even with all the torture he has caused the Sorceress of the castle, he worries that she is the key to unlocking the castle's power.

Late at night, Man-At-Arms finds himself unable to sleep, and decides to pay a visit to the prisoners. He faces Teela, and demands to know why she has been haunting his dreams. All she can think to do is to ask him whether he is her father. He looks at her, says nothing, and then returns to his home. The fact that he also appears to have suffered some kind of memory loss in connection with them suggests that someone manipulated them into coming there.

The next day, Teela and Adam are placed on a long glass bridge extending over the Cauldron of Doom, as Evil-Lyn explains the rules: they must fight, and whichever does not fall into the cauldron will go free. Defiantly, they choose not to fight, and in response, Teela is shot with an arrow. Angrily, Man-At-Arms mutters that if she dies, he will kill Evil-Lyn, and he is nearly heard.

Realizing that they have no other choice, Adam and Teela agree to fight, though they don't know how to bring an end to it, if one of them has to die. Adam admits he would gladly leap into the cauldron to save Teela, but she is sure that Evil-Lyn would have the survivor killed, despite what she claimed. As they fight, though, Zoar flies down and distracts them, causing Adam to fall into the Cauldron.

Appearing in "Cauldron of Doom"

Featured Characters:

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See Also

Links and References
