The Helmet of Fate is the overall title for a series of five one-shots released in early 2007, following the journey of the Helmet of Fate across the DCU. Each one-shot spotlights one of DC's lesser-known mystical names: Detective Chimp, Ibis the Invincible, Sargon the Sorcerer, Black Alice, and Zauriel.
Originally, the series was intended to lead into a new ongoing series featuring a new Doctor Fate, but writer Steve Gerber's health problems necessitated a change of plans, with the new Fate making his first appearance in the Countdown to Mystery miniseries.
- Helmet of Fate: Detective Chimp #1
- Helmet of Fate: Ibis the Invincible #1
- Helmet of Fate: Sargon the Sorcerer #1
- Helmet of Fate: Black Alice #1
- Helmet of Fate: Zauriel #1
See Also
- Cover Gallery: Helmet of Fate Vol 1
- Collections from Helmet of Fate Vol 1
- No catalogued images.
- Doctor Fate Recommended Reading
- The Book of Fate (Volume 1)
- Countdown to Mystery (Volume 1)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 1)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 2)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 3)
- Doctor Fate (Volume 4)
- Fate (Volume 1)
- The Flash (Volume 1): The Flash #306– #313
- Helmet of Fate (Volume 1)
- Immortal Doctor Fate (Volume 1)
- JSA (Volume 1)
- More Fun Comics (Volume 1)