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"Dead Man's Land: Part 1": After an earthquake, much of Gotham City has been evacuated. Vampires are taking over the city.

Quote1 We got a problem here that's almost as big as your ass. Quote2
Tommy Monaghan

Hitman #37 is an issue of the series Hitman (Volume 1) with a cover date of May, 1999.

Synopsis for "Dead Man's Land: Part 1"

After an earthquake, much of Gotham City has been evacuated. Vampires are taking over the city.

Natt the Hat drops by Tommy Monaghan's place to see how he is doing. Tommy tells Nat about his recent family revelation and how he killed his father. Tommy and Nat go to Noonan's Bar. Tommy goes out back of the bar with Nat, Hacken and Ringo Chen for target practice.

Sean Noonan introduces the boys to Maggie Lorenzo. Maggie's son Michael has gone missing and Nat and Tommy agree to find him.

The two see a child on a playground and go to see if its Michael and are confronted by a vampire. Tommy uses a shotgun to blow off the vampire's legs and arms. They leave the vampire in the park to die when the sun rises. Tommy and Nat decide to go vampire hunting and are almost run down by a car with tinted windows. They take shelter in a church. One of the vampires is waiting inside for them.

Appearing in "Dead Man's Land: Part 1"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


Other Characters:

  • Maggie Lorenzo (First appearance)
  • Michael Lorenzo (Single appearance; dies)





See Also

Links and References
