DC Database

Hop Harrigan was a teenage flying ace and adventurer.

Hop Harrigan was the son of Colonel A. Harrigan and his wife Maria. In the 1930s, Maria left the Colonel and took her daughter Mariana (but not Hop) to Colombia. Soon afterward, the Colonel died in a plane crash, and Hop was sent to be raised by the cruel farmer Silas Crane. As soon as Hop turned 14, in 1939, he taught himself to fly the Colonel's old biplane and escaped from Crane's farm. Soon after, he saved the mechanic Tank "Ikky" Tinker, and then the two met Prop Wash, aviation engineer.

When Hop flew Prop Wash's experimental plane to China to rescue refugees, he was greeted upon his return to the United States by a ticker-tape parade. However, the attention brought a lawsuit from Silas Crane, who demanded that Hop and his money be given into Crane's custody.[2] Thanks to Ikky, evidence was found that Crane had used forged documents to become Hop's guardian in the first place, and Prop Wash became his new guardian.[2] Together the three formed an airplane construction company: "All-American Aviation."

Hop once assisted the All-Star Squadron on an important case.[3] He was briefly active as a costumed mystery man, known as the Guardian Angel,[4] and was also briefly active, after the Second World War, as the Black Lamp,[5] but he didn't stick with either alter ego for very long.

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Various planes

  • Although this character was originally introduced during DC's Earth-Two era of publication, their existence following the events of the 1985–86 limited series Crisis on Infinite Earths remains intact. However, some elements of the character's Pre-Crisis history may have been altered or removed for Post-Crisis New Earth continuity, and no longer apply.
  • Hop Harrigan's closest friend was Tank Tinker, formerly Ikky Tinker, a remarkable mechanic.
  • Hop's love interest was a brown haired girl named Geraldine (Gerry).
  • Other supporting cast was the old teacher Miss Snap and the mischievous boy Hippity.
  • In addition to his ongoing comic feature in All-American Comics, Hop Harrigan also starred in a nationally broadcast radio show from 1942 to 1948, and a 15-chapter movie serial in 1946.
  • At All-American Aviation, three names were painted on the glass in the front door: "Prop Wash," "Hop Harrigan," and "Ikky Tinker." They were, respectively, the president, vice-president, and treasurer.


