You will find, Eclipso, that I am no ordinary mortal! Now, perhaps, a punch used by ancient Egyptian warriors against giant Sundanese foes will fell you!
House of Secrets #76 is an issue of the series House of Secrets (Volume 1) with a cover date of January, 1966.
Synopsis for Eclipso: "Helio, the Sun Demon! (Part One)"
Bruce was sharing an intimate moment with Mona, when Professor Bennett came in and informed the two that he would Eclipso conduct an experiment to separate Bruce from Eclipso. When an eclipse fell over North Africa, Professor Bennett already had Bruce tied down in a chair while Eclipso escaped the latter's body, but the former used high intensity light to unsuccessfully contain him in Bruce's body. Eclipso escaped and Bruce, Mona, and the Professor went to chase him, taking three days without any progress.
Meanwhile, Eclipso, who was underground, in a remote island, was experimenting, resulting in the creation of Helio, Master of Light, who possessed destructive energy projection powers. Later, Bruce, Mona, and the Professor arrived at Space Center Zebra West to search for Eclipso, who shot their helicopter down with a ray of black light. However, the trio made it out of the helicopter and went to pursue Eclipso, but were pushed back when Helio emitted hydrogen flames.
Eclipso and Helio stole a saucer-shaped platform and launched it along with themselves into space, allowing them to cause destruction and disaster anywhere on Earth. Then, Eclipso demanded that the governments of the world submit to him. When, Eclipso and Helio used a satellite to enhance their attack, Bruce used photo-Flash lamps inside gondola bubbles to deflect the attack back at Eclipso, sending him crashing down to Earth and back into Bruce's body.
Afterwards, Bruce, Mona, and the Professor left on another helicopter. Meanwhile, Helio had plans of his own.
Appearing in Eclipso: "Helio, the Sun Demon! (Part One)"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Eclipso
- Helio, the Sun Demon (First appearance)
Other Characters:
- United States Air Force (Mentioned only)
- North Africa
- United States of America
- Bruce Gordon's Underground Lab
- Arizona
- Space Center Zebra West
- Milky Way Galaxy
- Black Diamond
- Space Research Platform
- Helicopter
Synopsis for Prince Ra-Man: "Helio, the Sun Demon! (Part Two)"
Continued from Part One...
An audience was watching the events that happened at Space Center Zebra West unfold. They were also aware that Helio still posed a threat to them all. Meanwhile, Ra-Man received authorization from Washington, D.C. to combat the threat, so he and Elsa drove to a road where they went to ambush Helio.
Ra-Man used an illusion of a net trap to confuse Helio before he spotted and attacked his two enemies. Helio chased them down until he trapped them in a cave with falling rocks. However, Ra-Man escaped, while Helio went to find Bruce Gordon. Their car was destroyed, so they were picked up by a helicopter owned by Split Rail Ranch to reach Bruce.
Meanwhile, Bruce, Mona and Simon Bennett were using a heliograph to search for Helio, when Helio broke in to their laboratory. Helio created an artificial eclipse to turn Bruce into Eclipso. As Ra-Man and Elsa arrived, Eclipso and Helio made their way away from the laboratory. Later, they, along with Mona and her father, arrived at a desolate island where Eclipso's laboratory was. Suddenly, they saw him and Helio taking off with a saucer platform. In order to pursue them, Ra-Man created giant discs to ride as he chased them down. And Ra-Man fought Eclipso, the former managed to block Helio from sunlight, killing him. In order to stop the platform from being destroyed, Ra-Man turned it into a leaf as he returned to the ground before changing the leaf back. Afterwards, Eclipso changed back into Bruce.
Appearing in Prince Ra-Man: "Helio, the Sun Demon! (Part Two)"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Eclipso
- Helio, the Sun Demon (Destroyed)
Other Characters:
Other Characters:
- United States of America
- Arizona
- Space Center Zebra West
- Ruins of Solar City
- Bruce Gordon's Underground Lab
- Arizona
- Ra-Realm (Mentioned only)
- Six-sided sun symbol
- Space Research Platform
- Black Diamond
- Both Parts 1 & 2 of "Helio, the Sun Demon!" are reprinted in Showcase Presents: Eclipso.
- A "World of the Weird" text article appears in this issue.
See Also