DC Database
DC Database

Humperdoo is believed by The Grail to be a descendant of Jesus Christ.

According to the legend of The Grail, Jesus Christ didn't die in the cross. Instead, he was drugged by his followers into a coma state while being crucified. After 3 days, he "resurrected" and took a wife called Mary, whom he had several children with. In order to preserve the divine lineage, the founders of The Grail hid the children in a secret place in the desert and allowed them to breed only with each other. 2000 years later, Humperdoo came to be.

He was supposed to lead the human society after the Armageddon comes until The Saint of Killers happened. He followed Jesse Custer to Masada and went on a murderous rampage after learning he didn't need to serve God anymore. In a desperation attempt, The Grail detonated a dirty bomb below their base to stop The Saint.

The Messiah was crushed by the Allfather after he fell of the helicopter while trying to escape the destruction of Masada.

Other Characteristics

  • Illness: Due to the constant breeding in the same bloodline, The Messiah developed mental retardation.


