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"Girls Just Want To Have Fun": Mary Seward wakes after her The Final Night spent with her former lover Andrew Bennett, leaving a note that will warn him of her plans to start a vampire revolution. In a show of defiance toward him, he

Quote1 Today is a big day. And we start each day right. With a very...very...healthy breakfast. My name is Mary Seward. Now they call me Mary, Queen of Blood. And it's amazing to be me. Quote2
Mary, Queen of Blood

I, Vampire #2 is an issue of the series I, Vampire (Volume 1) with a cover date of December, 2011. It was published on October 26, 2011.

Synopsis for "Girls Just Want To Have Fun"

Mary Seward wakes after her The Final Night spent with her former lover Andrew Bennett, leaving a note that will warn him of her plans to start a vampire revolution. In a show of defiance toward him, her first act of the day is to drain a nearby maintenance woman of her blood.

Elsewhere, Mary joins a gathering of thousands of vampires. One vocal man rallies them, urging them to fight their oppressors and unite against their enemy. Mary scoffs, stating that there is no enemy. Humanity is no more a threat to vampires than an ant is to an elephant. She orders them to march up and out onto the streets and kill humans, and if Andrew Bennett should come and kill them, those who die will be martyrs.

Despite her desire to be free, and her feelings of superiority, Mary hopes to herself that there will a better future for vampires, and that Andrew will see the error of his ways, and join her. She watches from afar as he fights her soldiers with passion, letting his inner beast go free, as she herself has done. Even so, she attacks him, pinning him to the ground and demanding to know why he won't join her. He responds through gritted teeth that he will not let innocents die.

They change shapes to those of wolves, and fight within subway cars littered with murdered humans' corpses. Unfortunately, the horde get their grips on him and drag him back. Angrily, he shouts at her to face him, but she turns, saying only that she is late. Andrew hurls his sword at her, but she has disappeared before it meets its mark. However, before saying goodbye, she offers him one last chance to join. He responds that he will see her in hell for what she has done. Nonchalantly, she turns away, and orders him killed.

She knows, though, that the horde will be unable to kill him. This is merely a message to him; a humiliation. Likewise, the horde will come to know him as the traitor that he is, and he will be marked for death. Meanwhile, by the end of the day, she intends to be ruler of the entire planet as Mary, Queen of Blood.

Appearing in "Girls Just Want To Have Fun"

Featured Characters:

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  • This story is told by and through the eyes of Mary Seward; as such, she appears at the Featured character and Andrew Bennett appears as the Antagonist.
  • From the solicit: "True love becomes divine hatred between the Queen of Blood and Andrew, as her vampires begin their attacks across the country. Their past behind them, they find themselves ready to battle to the death.. If those feelings really are all gone. Surrounded by swarms of bloodthirsty vamps, Andrew must confront his immortal beloved in a blood-soaked battle he can't win.".

See Also

Links and References
