DC Database
DC Database

Parasite is an energy draining villain of Superman.

I.C. Harris was a thief who stole nuclear substances from a lab. One of these substances, Galaxy 4, reacted with his body, and Harris was now able to drain strength from his victims. One after one, Harris' strength increased with each victim. After robbing a bank, Harris was grabbed by Clark Kent - who was partially drained. Harris felt the tremendous strength of the reporter flowing through his body, and realized immediately that it was Superman disguised. Clark fled, changed his clothes to Superman, and tried fight the Parasite again - only to have more of his strength drained, and be obligated to flee again. Harris then begun to cause disasters in Washington, to call the attention of Superman, to then have a new opportunity to steal his strength. In the heat of the fight, the Parasite seemingly victorious, talked to Superman about the irony of a Kryptonian being defeated by an ordinary Earthman. Listening to these words, Superman grapple Harris' body - decided to give the last drop of his strength to the villain. Harris laughed, while feeling the new strength in his body. But such strength overcharged Harris' body, who pleads to be loose. Managing to come out of the arms of Superman, Harris begun to run - only for his body to explode in the street. By Superman's own words, "His greed for power. He didn't realize that an Earthman's body was too frail to contain the super power of a man from Krypton."


Power Absorption: Parasite was able to absorb the strength of other beings.



  • Power Limitation: Harris could only drain strength of his victims. As his body lacked Superhuman Stamina, it could not contain the strength of a Kryptonian. This eventually caused his body to explode.



Superman Villain(s)
DC Bullet 2024

This character has been primarily an enemy of Superman in any of his various incarnations, or members of the Superman Family. This template will categorize articles that include it into the "Superman Villains category."
