The subject of this article has been mentioned only and never actually shown in a comic book or on-screen. Despite their lack of physical appearances, information about them might still be relevant or interesting or at least worthy of documentation. Anything known about them is to be considered second-hand information.
When [the Incubus] came with his evil ways, we who take our name from the giant nightshade mushrooms had to flee!
- — Magda Eden src
The Incubus was an evil being who inhabited the extra-dimensional Land of the Nightshades.
When the Incubus came to the Land of the Nightshades, its people—including Princess Magda Eden—were driven into exile.[1] The Incubus commanded a number of animal-like warriors, one of whom came upon a returned Eden, who had brought her children Eve and Larry to the Land of the Nightshades. Summoning their master, the warriors were able to hold Larry and mortally wound Magda, though the princess was able to escape with her daughter before the Incubus' arrival.[2]
- Appearances of Incubus (Earth-Four)
- 1 Images featuring Incubus (Earth-Four)
- Quotations by or about Incubus (Earth-Four)
- Character Gallery: Incubus (Earth-Four)