DC Database

"Business As Usual": Fury thinks back to the last moments she spent with her parents, Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor, as they were taken to Olympus. After turning down an offer to join the

Quote1 Several of you already know one or more of these new heroes, albeit under different names, but meet the new Dr. Midnight -- the new Hourman -- and the new, improved Wildcat! Quote2
Star-Spangled Kid

Infinity Inc. #25 is an issue of the series Infinity Inc. (Volume 1) with a cover date of April, 1986.

Synopsis for "Business As Usual"

Fury thinks back to the last moments she spent with her parents, Wonder Woman and Steve Trevor, as they were taken to Olympus[1]. After turning down an offer to join the Justice Society of America, the Infinitors consider taking on new members.

Appearing in "Business As Usual"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


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See Also

Recommended Reading

Links and References
