Irey West aka Kid Flash, is the daughter of the Flash Wally West and the CCPD scientist Angela Margolin, from Earth-22. Irey West was created by Mark Waid and Alex Ross, first appearing in in Kingdom Come #3. (1996)
In the New Earth continuity, a new version of the character was introduced into the DC Universe. Iris "Irey" West and her twin brother Jai, were born to the third Flash, Wally West, and the reporter Linda Park. She eventually became the new Impulse when her connection to the Speed Force was strengthened during The Flash: Rebirth. Irey was brought into the continuity of Prime Earth in the Flash Forward miniseries. She currently goes by the alias Thunderheart. Irey West was adapted by Mark Waid, Brian Augustyn and Paul Pelletier, first appearing in in The Flash (Volume 2) #225. (2005)