JLA: Created Equal is an Elseworlds story published in 2000, written by Fabian Nicieza and illustrated by Kevin Maguire. In this universe, every single man on the planet Earth is killed by a mysterious plague leaving only women behind. The only two exceptions are Superman and Lex Luthor. In the chaos, a new all-female Justice League led by Wonder Woman struggles to bring order and repopulate the world.
See Also
- Cover Gallery: JLA: Created Equal Vol 1
- Collections from JLA: Created Equal Vol 1
- Images from JLA: Created Equal Vol 1
- Justice League Recommended Reading
- Justice League of America (Volume 1)
- Justice League of America (Volume 2)
- Justice League of America (Volume 3)
- Justice League of America (Volume 4)
- Justice League of America (Volume 5)
- JLA (Volume 1)
- Justice League (Volume 1)
- Justice League (Volume 2)
- Justice League (Volume 3)
- Justice League (Volume 4)
- Justice League International (Volume 1)
- Justice League International (Volume 2)
- Justice League International (Volume 3)
- Justice League Europe (Volume 1)
- Justice League America (Volume 1)
- Justice League Task Force (Volume 1)
- Justice League Quarterly (Volume 1)
- Justice League Dark (Volume 1)
- Justice League Dark (Volume 2)
- Extreme Justice (Volume 1)
- Justice League Elite (Volume 1)
- Justice League Odyssey (Volume 1)