Synopsis for "Tomorrow Never Knows"
Seventy years ago, a probe from outer space called the Sole Jurisdiction deposited a living agent onto Earth that affected every uterine human child. All were born without birth defects and were normal until today, when these youth began violently lashing out without warning. As the Justice League fight the Implicate Field across the globe, Professor Ivo and Professor T.O. Morrow watch the news coverage. The two have recently created the android Tomorrow Woman, who has been welcomed into the League but is secretly a bomb waiting to explode and kill the true heroes.
In Florida, the alien being Taint awakens from the ocean and walks to land and sets out to find the children whose programming by the Sole Jurisdiction is starting to initiate: they are locally-grown warriors who will lead an invasion of Earth. T-Woman's vast telepathy allows her to both feel the oncoming attacks and to subdue the part of the brain in the children causing them. She uses her hyperacute senses to find Taint broadcasting rage into the children using Sole Jursdiction technology. When she confronts him, she destroys his armor and the League incarcerates him.
With Taint's weaponry destroyed, there is no method to broadcast a signal to the children to stop their violence and Tomorrow Woman cannot personally unprogram each child, so the League strategizes how to avoid tens of millions of rage-induced outbursts. Aquaman and Martian Manhunter team up to amplify T-Woman's psychic abilities and the trio use Superman Blue's body as a beacon to broadcast a "peace bomb" across the world.
As Tomorrow Woman relays this story to Ivo and Morrow, she leaves out details of how she is feeling empathy for others and is learning to become a true hero.
Appearing in "Tomorrow Never Knows"
Featured Characters:
Supporting Characters:
- Professor Ivo
- Professor T. O. Morrow
- Sole Jurisdiction
- Taint
Other Characters:
- Sara
- Sister James Edgar
- IF (Implicate Field)
- Released between JLA #18 and JLA #19
- This issue is reprinted in JLA Book One.
- The story title is the name of a Beatles song.
See Also
Links and References
GirlFrenzy! Crossover This comic issue is a part of the "GirlFrenzy" Fifth-week event that took place in 1998. GirlFrenzy! was a series of seven one-shot specials focusing on the female heroes of the DC Universe. Each issue was tangentially connected to a parent title, but were otherwise unrelated to one another. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "GirlFrenzy!" category. Core Issues
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