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"The Big Dirt Nap, Chapter Five": Whistling Skull has been stabbed by The Pocket. Knuckles, under duress from the rest of Der Karneval, fights his way to grab Whistling Skull and take him to the Battlewagon. Knuckles takes off but

Quote1 Don't ever apologize for a bit of fear. Quote2
Whistling Skull

JSA Liberty Files: The Whistling Skull #5 is an issue of the series JSA Liberty Files: The Whistling Skull (Volume 1) with a cover date of June, 2013. It was published on April 17, 2013.

Synopsis for "The Big Dirt Nap, Chapter Five"

Whistling Skull has been stabbed by The Pocket. Knuckles, under duress from the rest of Der Karneval, fights his way to grab Whistling Skull and take him to the Battlewagon. Knuckles takes off but is distracted by a boar crossing in front of him and crashes the Battlewagon. Knuckles picks-up Whistling Skull and proceeds to Johannes' house on foot. Meanwhile, in Japan, Mr. Nash plan to recover a coffin is thwarted.

Whistling Skull and Knuckles make it back to Johannes' house and are patched up by a doctor. With a loaner van from Johannes, the Whistling Skull and Knuckles go back out in search of Hellman and his gang. Whistling Skull reports in to Mr. Teagle and is told to wrap things up quick because he may be needed elsewhere. Teagle is concerned that Nash did not call in and suspects that this may be related to the previous Whistling Skull still being alive!

Per a discussion with Whistling Skull, Johannes asks the townspeople to help out by searching for signs of Hellman. They hear a scream outside and move out to find a monster trying to grab a young girl. The mob starts to attack the monster and Johannes tries to stop them. This is no monster - it is Johannes' brother Viktor!

Appearing in "The Big Dirt Nap, Chapter Five"

Featured Characters:

Supporting Characters:


  • Der Karneval
    • Ringmaster
    • Boneles / The Boneless
    • Die Herde / Der Flock
    • Serpentin / Serpentina
    • Taschen / The Pocket
    • The Strongman

Other Characters:

  • Mr. Teagle
  • Dr. Moon
  • Mr. Nash
  • Michael Keene
  • Johannes
  • (The Sixth) Whistling Skull (Mentioned only)
  • Anna Gunter
  • Viktor (First appearance)




  • Battlewagon

See Also

Links and References
