That maniac has racked up too many victims, and you and I are both to blame. I want that lunatic back in custody now, not after he kills again.
- — Commissioner Gordon src
James Gordon is the commissioner of the Gotham City Police Department.
Powers and Abilities
- Police Car
- 2 Appearances of James Gordon (The Dark Prince Charming)
- 2 Images featuring James Gordon (The Dark Prince Charming)
- 1 Quotations by or about James Gordon (The Dark Prince Charming)
- Character Gallery: James Gordon (The Dark Prince Charming)
GCPD Officer This character is or was an officer of, or held a title in the Gotham City Police Department, in any of its various incarnations. This template will automatically categorize articles that include it into the "GCPD members" and "Police Officers" categories. |