DC Database

Quote1 What? .. Oh! How do you do, Aquaman! My name is Thetis! Quote2
Thetis, the Aquagirl src

Jane "Aquagirl" Stone met her millionaire husband by posing as a mermaid named "Thetis."

Aquatic athlete Jane Stone was coerced by bookkeeper Phil Johnson to aid him in a plot against his boss, Mark Windham. Johnson threatened to harm her family, and she was forced to pose as Thetis, a mermaid, and make herself visible to Windham, but no others. She got his attention again and again, but whenever he tried to show her to anybody else, she slipped away. Soon his closest associates had severe doubts about Windham's mental health, a situation which afforded Johnson an opportunity to quietly embezzle a lot of money.

Windham meanwhile contacted Aquaman in the hopes of finding this mysterious creature. Aquaman quickly deduced she wasn't a real mermaid, based on her inability to communicate with some dolphins, and more importantly, he uncovered the bookkeeper's larcenous plot. Johnson attempted to kill Stone, for failing in the execution of the plan, along with knowing too much about it, but Aquaman prevented that too.

Shortly after, Windham and Stone were married. Aquaman gifted her a necklace of pearls.


  • This version of Thetis, including all history and corresponding appearances, was erased from existence following the collapse of the original Multiverse in the 1985–86 Crisis on Infinite Earths event and later restored following the rebirth of the infinite Multiverse during the Dark Crisis of 2022-2023. Even though other versions of the character may have appeared, this information does not apply to those versions.
  • Jane Stone is the first character to be referred to as "Aquagirl" - before Lisa Morel - though she is only given the name in the story title. She goes by "Thetis" in the story.


