DC Database

Quote1 I'm something over a hundred years old and I'm not completely human. I live inside communications systems and I carry a lot of electricity around. Quote2
Jenny Mei Sparks src

Jenny Mei Sparks is a "techne," a spirit of the mechanical arts and crafts, empowered by the defining technology of her era - in her case, the Internet.

Jenny Mei Sparks is an individual with a singular past. According to the dead shamans who inhabit the bardo known as "the Hospital", she is a techne - a spirit of the mechanical arts and crafts, empowered by the defining technology of her era, and created by unknown powers to defend the planet Earth.[1]

Born at the beginning of the 20th century, Jenny Mei Sparks was an active participant in a meeting between International Operations, an American intelligence agency of frightening scope, and Skywatch, a secret space program who manage the solar system.[2] If the meeting had been unsuccessful, the resulting conflict could have destroyed civilization. Fortunately, accord held, and the resulting agreements ("the nine treaties") maintained the peace.[3]

However, the debate process was draining to Jenny, and an undisclosed amount of time afterwards, she succumbed to an extended bout of alcoholism.[2]

Everyone Is Looking Up

Eventually realising that she could not be killed by alcohol, she forced herself to recover. Afterwards she took stock of the world, how it had changed since the talks, and how much longer the treaties would hold.[2]

Using her existing knowledge, she constructed a pinboard in her Whitechapel flat, containing all the pieces of salient information and half-mad story she thought might be pertinent to the big picture, and then, she went looking for more.[4]

When word reached her of a magician named Shen Li-Men, operating in Amsterdam, she went there, and faked a drug trip gone bad, to see what she would do.[1]


  • Unique Physiology: Jenny Sparks is a "techne," a spirit of the mechanical arts and crafts, empowered by the defining technology of her era. She identifies herself as living in the Internet.[1][5]



  • Power Limitation: When removed from an environment with active telecom signals, she reported a headache and a possibility of vomiting.[2]

Jenny Sparks was created by Warren Ellis and Tom Raney, first appearing in StormWatch #37. However, in The Wild Storm continuity her first appearance is in Warren Ellis and Jon Davis-Hunt's The Wild Storm #3.

  • Jenny claims to have slept with both Rita Hayworth and Orson Wells, though she doesn't remember if it was while they were married or not.[9]



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Wildstorm Character
DC Bullet 2024

This character exists under the Wildstorm Imprint, and their continuity takes place within the Wildstorm Titles. This template will categorize articles that include it into the category "Wildstorm Characters."
