Jewelee was a former member of the Suicide Squad and took part in the mission to retrieve stolen intel from Tobias Whale.
Despite being married to Punch, she fell in love with Vertigo after meeting him in prison. Together, they formed a plan to make a copy of Tobias Whale's flash-drive and send the original to Amanda Waller, so when they get dispensed, they would live together and still have the stolen intel for safety issues. When Vertigo blew their cover, Jewelee took Punch by surprise and blew his chest away with a heat blast. Waller heard Vertigo gloating about his plan through Deadshot's communicator and prompted both Vertigo's and Jewelee's neck explosives to go off. However, Jewelee's death was cut short by Deadshot, who shot her in the chest as she desperately pleaded for mercy.
- This version of the character is exclusive to the continuity of the DC Animated Movie Universe and is an adaptation of Jewelee. The original character was created by Steve Ditko and David Kaler and first appeared in Captain Atom #85.
- Jewelee was voiced by Julie Nathanson.
- 1 Appearances of Jewelee (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- 1 Images featuring Jewelee (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Quotations by or about Jewelee (DC Animated Movie Universe)
- Character Gallery: Jewelee (DC Animated Movie Universe)
Suicide Squad member |